Saturday, March 1, 2008

March 2nd (Observed)

Well it would seem that I need to retract yesterday's blog and apologize for the incorrect information, since a "leap day" has "leaped" its way into another year of 365 already accounted for days. But I will not. You see, I have always been the kind of person that when told to leap, I say "nah, guy." I do not worship or genuflect to an apparent day deity with nothing more than an accepted apparition randomly appearing on a calender every 4 years. A calender of 365 days, that somehow always manage to show up every year, not just one out of four.

Is this 366th day like that perpetual jailbird uncle, silently slurring drunk up the driveway at night, sending your father outside in his underwear with a baseball bat every few years?

Can you imagine a prisoner disappearing from a lineup of 366 prisoners, then just randomly show up dont know........ the end of February again and have everyone say "Oh, there's #366. Wow... hes been gone for about 4 years, huh? Wonder where he was...oh well, hes back." EVERY 4 years? (Are leap days included in prison sentencing too?)

Speaking of accepting something every 4 years, we are in the midst of an election year, and one of, if not the closest in our nation's history. Yet, I still haven't heard a single word about this matter from any of the candidates. I do know that Barrack Obama is bringing his message of change to the world, and I can't think of a better place to start than the old guard Gregorian Calender. John McCain was a prisoner of war for 5 and a half years. Can you imagine counting the days down, as a prisoner of war in Vietnam and then have a Vietnamese soldier employ the most sinister of psychological torture? "Happy February 29th, American GI" and emptying a barrel of rats into your cage?

Hillary Clinton hasn't told us the true horrors of orphanages around the world. Leap Day babies. These poor, forgotten about infants and children bastardized and ostracized like leaping lepers.

Just earlier this year I met someone who appeared to be about the same age as me :

"Hey whats up, I turn 27 years old this year on February 2nd, how about you."

"Well, my birthday is actually on February 29th, so "technically" I will be 6 years old, haha"

I punched this man in the mouth. I didn't know what else to do, I had never met a leap year baby, and we were never educated on them from where I come from. I had also been watching "They Live" a lot and to the best of my knowledge Rowdy Roddy Piper and Keith David used sunglasses to spot and destroy leap day babies. My, bad. If anything he was probably thinking twice about deciding whether to celebrate his false age on the next February 28th or March 1st.

But on that note, I ask you to stand up with me, all of you common folk who don't need an extra day of work, an extra day of a prison sentence or snob freaks of nature glomming on 3 possible days to celebrate a birthday that they don't deserve.

I ask you to stand proud and shout loud so that The White House can hear us:


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